Join Extinction Rebellion NYC and say enough devastating droughts, floods, and storms.
Read MoreLiving in Zuccotti Park From the First Day to the Last (Part One) with Kanaska Carter
Occupy Wall Street erupted in Zuccotti Park on September 17, 2011, several days after 26-year-old activist and musician Kanaska Carter arrived in New York City from Canada. She threw her life and work into Occupy on day one.
Read MoreJoin us at "Columbus" Circle on Friday
See you at “Columbus” Circle on Friday.
Read MoreA message from Third Force and Ultimatums →
Ten years after Occupy Wall Street one thing has become painfully clear: the people in charge of our global system have run it aground.
Read MoreTaking Liberty Square, First Days of the Movement (Part One) with Alex Carvalho
Alex Carvalho is a doctor living in Chicago. He was 28 when Occupy Wall Street started in New York City in September 2011. He participated almost every day until protesters were violently evicted from the park by police two months later.
Read MoreGlobalize the Intifada →
Week by week, gathering by gathering, community by community, things are building toward this date. S17 is not an endpoint. It is a launching pad for a season of resistance as the contradictions of settler-colonialism, racial capitalism, and liberal imperialism continue to heighten, and the authority of governing institutions including the university, the museum, political parties, and the police continue to erode.
Read MoreOccupy 2.0: Starting Now
Join us at these events in the United States.
Read MoreOccupy 2.0: A Press Conference
On Monday, September 13, 2021, ahead of the 10-year anniversary of Occupy, individuals who were involved in the early years will speak about how they are addressing society’s most pressing challenges now.
Read MoreLife and Politics in the Years Before Occupy with “Truth Now” (Part One)
An Occupy protestor and supporter, who asks to be identified as “Truth Now” in this series, had just turned 26 and was living in New York City when the Occupy Movement erupted in Zuccotti Park on September 17, 2011. He discusses the movement with HTR in July of 2021, months before Occupy’s 10th anniversary.
Read MoreA People’s Librarian (Part Two) with Aeliana Boyer
In Part Two of People’s Librarian Aeliana Boyer’s oral history of Occupy Wall Street and the People’s Library in Liberty Square, Boyer elaborates on life and work in the park as the weeks and months went on, the movement grew, and the standoff with the NYPD intensified. She recalls the strengths of Occupy and discusses infiltration of the movement by undercover provocateurs.
Read MoreA People’s Librarian (Part One) with Aeliana Boyer
One of the most fondly remembered aspects of the Occupy Movement is the People’s Library in Zuccotti Park, created and protected around the clock by Occupy Wall Street protesters living in the park and outside supporters of the movement who donated books.
Read MoreOne Decade Later →
Ten years have passed. In many ways, the world is as it was in 2011, in many ways, we have rays of light and hope, emerging from the heartbreak of neoliberal darkness.
Read MoreWe Love Web3, but Sparkle is a Scam
Plan de Emergencia en Caso de la Detención o Deportación de Familiares
En Español
No está sólo(a). ¡La mejor respuesta es estar preparado(a)!
Prepare un Plan:
Con su cónyuge y otros adultos del hogar, haga una lista que esté a la vista de familiares y amistades que le puedan ayudar en caso de que algún miembro de la familia sea detenido.
Asigne personas que se encarguen de los niños en caso de ser deportado. Hable con la persona sobre las responsabilidades o expectativas ya sea a corto o a largo plazo.
Si es posible, mantenga una cuenta o fondo de emergencia aparte para ayudar con los gastos y la perdida de uno/a o mas de los salarios de las personas detenidas.
Saque fotocopias de todos sus documentos de inmigración. Guarde una copia de todos sus documentos con un amigo o familiar a quien usted confíe.
Si tiene hijos que son ciudadanos de los EEUU, consígalos pasaportes de los EEUU en caso que tienen que salir del país para reunirse con un padre deportado. Hay información sobre pasaportes en las oficinas de correos.
Escriba una lista de lo que los niños deben de hacer si sus padres no regresan a casa a la hora esperada.
Escriba una lista de acciones que el padre de familia que quede o el guardián, en caso de emergencia, pueda tomar en caso de deportación.
Llame a las agencias de la comunidad que dan apoyo legal de inmigración.
Si un familiar o conocido está detenido y no tiene abogado que está persona o un familiar llame al Legal Aid Society Hotline: 844-955-3425
Si un familiar está detenido en New York y no sabe dónde está, llame al ICE al 212.264.5085 (no se habla español) o averigüe en
Tenga una lista de nombres y teléfonos de parientes en su país de origen para llamar en caso de una emergencia.
Siempre lleve encima números de teléfonos de agencias legales y de parientes en caso que Usted esté detenido.
¡Acuérdese que si fuese detenido por agentes del ICE, tiene el derecho de permanecer en silencio! Aunque tiene que dar su nombre y mostrar su identificación, no tiene que contestar otras preguntas de los agentes o firmar documentos que no entienda.
Si los agentes del ICE llegan a su casa, solamente pueden entrar si tienen una orden de registro O si alguien en la casa los deja entrar. Si sospecha que agentes de ICE están en su puerta y no tienen una orden de registro NO ABRA la puerta.
¡Conozca sus derechos!
Manténgase informado y sobre todo defienda sus derechos antes de que su familia sea afectada.
Saturday March From #NYC2Pittsburgh: We Will #OutliveThem
Saturday’s demonstration is part of an international week of action taking place in cities across the United States, and around the world.
Read More#WeWontBeComplicit with ICE’s deportation machine!
In the last month, hundreds of thousands of people have risen up in outrage at the stories of mothers and fathers separated from their children, internment camps for immigrant families fleeing violence and seeking asylum, and have borne witness to the cruelty of ICE, an institution whose purpose is to detain and persecute 11 million people and criminalize parents for daring to dream of giving their children a better life.
Read MoreCultural Phenomena Change the World: Sanctuary & The Backbay Billionaires Pipeline
Sanctuary is a cultural phenomenon, we can't wait around for someone else to create it or defend it, we have to do it, each and everyone of us.
Read More#OurPowerPRnyc Demanding a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico
What is happening in Puerto Rico is a climate crisis fueled by a long legacy of colonization and extraction.
A Socialist Response to Trump's Address to the Joint Session of Congress
Join us to hear Trump's address to the Joint session of congress and this socialist response to his right-wing agenda and to discuss how we can build a movement powerful enough to defeat Trump and the Billionaire Class.
Read MoreInaugurate the Resistance →
It is time to rise up.
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