Revolution begins at home. The Occupied Wall Street Journal was a special print project conducted during the event known as Occupy Wall Street, printed in English and Spanish.
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Revolution begins at home. The Occupied Wall Street Journal was a special print project conducted during the event known as Occupy Wall Street, printed in English and Spanish.
Read More"Took this photo while walking through downtown Sofia Bulgaria today. In English it says" direct democracy we are the 99%." Have heard the protesters every night chanting "resignation"! So proud to be a part of movement globally!"
Read MoreKnown as the "first political prisoner of Occupy Wall Street", Mark Adams speaks with us about his hunger strike at Rikers Island, the D17 action that led to the charges against him, the need for prison support, and Occupy's "culture of care."
Read MoreVia Riders for Black Lives
Read MoreThe webinar will be the first chance for you to hear directly from some of the folks behind the People's CDC, better understand who they are and the work they are doing, and find new ways to potentially get involved with the People's CDC!
Read MoreThe banner reads "peace to Ukraine, freedom for Russia" (source)
We will never take the side of this or that state, our flag is black, we are against borders and freeloader presidents. We are against wars and killings of civilians.
Read MoreThe emergence of the Omicron variant highlights that vaccines alone will not end the pandemic and the US administration’s newly-announced pharmaceutical-dependent winter plan is far from adequate. To stop the spread of Covid-19, and prevent the emergence of even more virulent variants, we need strong public policies, not merely relying on individual actions.
Read MoreI’m quarantining in my room. isolation messes with you
the invisible stories
that we are all going through
Read MoreOmicron is here. Care for each other.
Read MoreThe coming year must be the year that we act collectively and demand more of our leaders.
Read MoreRobert Brashear, a pastor and father of three, was 61 years old and living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan when Occupy Wall Street took Liberty Square. His participation in Occupy began that first day and continued in the years following the eviction of the protesters from the park.
Read More#Occupy@10: An Oral History is a short documentary (30 minutes) produced by the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR-USA) that tells the story of Occupy through the eyes of seven interfaith leaders and activists who participated in Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Oakland.
Read MoreOf course, our movement ended, but that doesn’t mean that its consequences are not reverberating still.
Read MoreWe will be hosting a FESTEJACION to give a very NYC-Welcome to Peruvian president Pedro Castillo!
Read MoreA round-up of news about the ten-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street.
Read MoreRight now, corporate utility National Grid is expanding a massive fracked gas transmission pipeline in North Brooklyn. This project is not a replacement of leaking pipelines, it is an expansion to charge us, the rate-payers, millions of dollars in rate hikes to fill their shareholders pockets, and keep us locked into fossil fuels when we want to move onto affordable and clean renewable energy like geothermal, solar, wind and energy efficient buildings.
Read MoreThink big you might get your wish.
Read MoreIn the spirit of the Occupy Wall Street, we will be getting together in the park to provide some mutual aid care in the form of an assembly with political education about the ways in which we practiced mutual aid at Liberty Plaza.
Read MoreThey tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we are seeds.
Read MoreIn honor of the ten-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, a group of folks from New York’s OWS are launching an oral history project centered around self-reflection and learning. This is a collaborative space, aiming to reflect our shared experience by telling our individual stories.
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